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Even before environmental, social and governance (ESG) became a buzzword, AT Group has strongly believed in the role of ethical and responsible business practices in bettering humankind.

“In the constant pursuit of excellence, we hold a shared belief in sustainability – in the environment, natural resources and society as a whole.”

Our commitment to meeting ESG international best practices is reflected in our Statement of Responsibility.

  • We ensure that our portfolio companies adopt the gold standard in Anti-Bribery and Corruption policies.
  • We respect the human rights of people impacted by our investment activities and refrain from investments in companies that use child or forced labour or discriminatory policies.
  • We are committed to compliance with applicable national, state, and local labour laws in the countries where we invest.


To ensure adherence to the highest standards of corporate governance, we rely on the advice of leading consultants.

Our internal audits, systems and procedures are subject to continual updating and review. We continuously strive to ensure that all our dealings maintain the highest ethical standards and that our investments and operations are carried out in a manner that reflects fair dealing with our business partners, customers and stakeholders.


Protectors of the Planet

As stewards of the natural environment around us, AT Group believes that we have a part to play in ensuring the longevity of our planet.

We seek to ensure that our business practices do not negatively impact upon the surrounding environment. We invest in and create real estate projects with a strong focus on environmental preservation.

For example, in the Netherlands, our Bijlmer Bajes redevelopment project features sustainable energy systems, innovative water systems and reusable construction materials.

Recognizing the impact and finite nature of natural resources, we are also strongly focused on renewable energy projects. More than just silent investors, we have built a strong renewable energy team who have created two major renewable energy platforms in India from the ground up.

Relationship Building

We believe in the importance of building and sustaining strong relationships, with all stakeholders be it among employees, partners, suppliers, customers or the local community.

For employees, this is reflected in our flat organization structure and open communication policy. We value each and every employee’s input and contribution, and strive to nurture their personal growth.

With customers, partners and suppliers, we believe in each individual’s right to be treated fairly and equally. We also refrain from any involvement in exploitative arrangements or relationships.

We believe that the wellbeing of the communities in which we operate directly impact the growth and sustainability of our businesses. By cultivating goodwill and developing mutually beneficial relationships, we are proving that profitable businesses, meaningful employment and a healthy planet can co-exist.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

AT Group supports a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to enrich and improve the lives of the communities in which we operate.

Over the years, we have made substantial donations to various charitable causes. In 2015, we set up the AT Capital Foundation Limited (ATCF) in Singapore to manage our charity projects.

To date, projects that we have supported include: